1. The school hours are from 9.15 AM to 3.30 PM on normal working days.
  2. Students must attend the school on all working days.
  3. Students must wear full school uniform on all days. Personal cleanliness and hygiene is expected from all.
  4. No jewellery should be worn by students when He/She is in school uniform.
  5. Irregular attendance, negligence in school work and disobedience and disrespect to authority shall lead to dismissal.
  6. Every student should endeavor to keep up the high reputation of the school by excelling in his / her conduct good and department inside and outside of the school.
  7. Sundays, Second Saturday and Third Saturday will be holidays for the school. K.G Section won't be working on Saturdays.
  8. Application must be submitted for issuing any certificate or document from school at least 10 days in advance and a fee will be charged for the same.
  9. Parents are expected to Co-operative with school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline.


       Parents will not be allowed to take their children back home during class time.